Into the Unknown

#20 Preparing to loose your ego ❘ Sébastien Dupont

Yoga, meditation and inner silence

Veröffentlicht am 02.12.2021 / 22:00


Yoga is one of the oldest physical activities. The word "yoga" comes from Sanskrit and means "to unite", in the sense of uniting body and mind. For some people yoga means a deep stretching of the body, for others it is a sport, for still others it is like meditation or a spiritual path. But what does it really mean to practice yoga? In this episode, I talk to yoga teacher Sébastien Dupont about meditation and entering an inner stillness and state of ego-lessness. Why yoga is not for everyone, mantras, the spiritual path as a struggle and that a little yoga brings a little relief.

Author: Katharina Baier

Editor: Katharina Baier

Jingle: Samuel Buda
